Mobile: Getting down to Business

We understand that the future is all about #data ― so why not empower your workforce with access to the biggest #Mobile data service in the UK? Find out how we can help you operate smarter and faster whilst on the move.

Mobile data volumes are predicted to grow 25% year on year to 2030. This growth will take mobile in many different directions.

A lot of growth will come from the types of data mobile users consume. New file formats and an appetite for streamed video place new demands on data coverage and network performance. The time people spend on their phones is increasing. IDC report that only 16% of the time we spend on smart phones is used to make calls, the remaining 84% is invested in ‘other things’. Another element of mobile growth doesn’t involve people at all. Machine to Machine interactions via mobile technology are predicted to grow from 250 million to 1 billion exchanges over the next 5 years.

Mobile technology plays a pivotal role in putting businesses on a digital path, but there are also many practical benefits to choosing the right mobile services for your business.

That decision can have immediate, tangible benefits for your business today and prepare you for tomorrow.

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